George Li performs at San Francisco Symphony’s All SF season-opening concert

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George Li joins the San Francisco Symphony and Michael Tilson Thomas for their annual All SF Concert at Davies Symphony Hall on 15 September 2017. Tickets to the All SF Concert are distributed to the city’s most impactful community groups and non-profits, allowing the orchestra to celebrate their contribution to the life of San Francisco and its inhabitants. Li performs Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No.2, part of a programme that also includes Bernstein Overture to Candide and Symphonic Dances from West Side Story, as well as Ravel Bolero.

Li performed the same concerto for his recent debut with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, which the Sydney Morning Herald described as “absorbing listening”:

“Li played Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concert No. 2 in C minor, Opus 18 with overarching musical concentration that engendered clarity of shape and melodic lines of expressively calibrated nuance… each note was weighted with delicate intensity to build an arch of expansive emotional weight.”

Li returns to San Francisco in October for a solo recital, also at Davies Symphony Hall.